AYEI Burundi , the official AYEI representation in Burundi instituted in the year 2021 and got a license to operate as a non-Governmental Organization in 2023, according to NGO governing laws of the country. AYEI Burundi was established to promote farming initiatives among the youth in the country and to foster job and employment creation in agriculture. Governed by a national coordinating team, AYEI Burundi thrives to put into practice the mission and the objectives of AYEI to its core. AYEI Burundi’s scope of operations remains, mobilizing, organizing and empowering the young agri entrepreneurs to harness their potentials to initiates income generating farming ventures to end poverty, especially in the rural Burundi

projects award ceremony for the selected beneficiaries in Cankuzo Province, Burundi, 2023
AYEI Burundi’s mission is to change the narratives of the notion of a Burundian farmer by bringing onboard innovation and technology that will change mentalities of the youth and consequently embrace agriculture as a venture that can employ and create jobs for many in rural areas. Our main mission is to foster inclusive innovative farming models proven workable for job creation in this sector

AYEI Burundi projects are activities towards becoming a catalyzer in the promotion of smart agriculture among the youth in Burundi. AYEI Burundi envisions a united body of agri entrepreneurs making difference in the realm of agriculture in the country
What we do
Agri-business incubation programs
AYEI Burundi organizes series of business incubation programs whereby our extension officers and farmer trainers help young selected beneficiaries to let them go through the dynamics of an agribusiness management, from idea inception to product marketing.
Training and capacity building sessions for farmers
In our projects, we realized that the youth, not only lack funds to embark on their projects, they are also lacking skills and capacities required to make it as agri-entrepreneurs. AYEI selects and train beneficiaries, who are capable of also educating others in their activities..
Extension services for Farmers
Our experts offer visits to the trained farmers who continuously get our coaching and guidance on good practices and techniques that can enhance yields. This enables farmer asks questions and share their concerns or request for more inputs.
Mini-grant Scheme
AYEI BURUNDI has successfully piloted and executed a mini-grant scheme where beneficiaries were given seed capital , a loan without interest that has changed lives of our beneficiaries. This scheme been sustainable and has been proven a best way to empower the youth
Executed Projects
Through its funding partners and by the assistance of its Headquaters , AYEI Burundi has implemented a number of projects whose impacts have been significant in the life of its beneficiaries and the nation a a whole

2020: AYEI Burundi, with the SEZ financial support, has implemented the agri entrepreneurs support roject in Kayanza Province. 50 young women and young men have benefited from it through trainings and building capacity in agri-project design and management, and benefited loans averaged to 20.000.000 BIF to implement two projects: one in growing potatoes, another in chicken breeding.

2021: AYEI launched a second programs, which was pitching program for funding where laureates who wre working respectively in growing and transforming soya; transforming palm oil and food processing, working in Bubanza and Bujumbura, received an interest free loan for their projects. The competition ended during the celebration of the Youth Day 2021, organized by AYEI-Burundi in Bujumbura

2022: AYEI Burundi won a second financial support from its funding partner SEZ Foundation, to support 25 young men and women from Bujumbura metropolis who received Agricultural Entrepreneurship training. Laureates were 3 projects that were selected to benefit from our micro credit scheme .

Diomede Mujojoma
Country Coordinator
Diomede is a writer, social entrepreneur, a seasoned environmentalist, Founder of A.S.E.P.E, Co-Founder and Country Coordinator of AYEI BURUNDI. He is also an expert in Communication & Webmaster

Salvator Ntakarutimana
Projects and programs manager
Salvator is a business development consultant specialized in Project Management/Monitoring and Evaluation of various projects/programs for the past 12 years. A PhD Candidate, Salvator is a Lecturer and a social entrepreneur.

Thierryve Nininahazwe
Finance Director
Theirryve is a graduate of Law from Université Lumière de Bujumbura. Besides her Law Background, she is expertise in project management and works as Finance and Monitoring & Evaluation officer at AYEI-Burundi.

Juvenal Ntakarutimana
Communications Manager
A linguistic specialist, lecturer of university, social entrepreneur (founder of COPINIK, co-founder of UBUZI), he is the Head of communications at AYEI Burundi and Conferences Focal Point for AYEI International

Eliane Munezero
Administrative Secretary
Munezero Eliane holds a Bachelor of Arts, in community development projects and youth initiatives for self-empowerment. She has been working for a Local Organizations. Eliane is the Administrative Secretary of AYEI BURUNDI
Frequently Asked Question
African Youth Employment Initiatives (AYEI) Burundi is the satellite of AYEI international , A non profit youth-led organization that aims to empower young people through agri-business. AYEI-Burundi chapter seeks to empower the Burundian youth through agricultural entrepreneurship
AYEI-Burundi was founded by a group of young Burundians who believe that the issue of youth unemployment can be dealt with by coming together and working as a team in the design and implementation of agri-business projects. They are a team headed by a country coordinator appointed by the Headquarters mandating her or her to put into practice the vision and mission of the entire organization in the country
There is no fee to join us, you only have to submit your application indicating the category of membership you are subscribing to. You will be notified of the decision taken on your application and when sucessful, you will be able to join us. For individual young persons, we admit those from 18 to 30 years with minimum of secondary education or equivalent
AYEI-Burundi founders departed from the sad realization that agriculture was despised as the job of the poor by many Burundians, especially the youth. Currently at AYEI-Burundi, we believe that agriculture can be turned into a business that creates wealth. Therefore, our mission is to mobilize, organize, and empower young Burundians so that they can turn that belief into reality.
AYEI-Burundi founders departed from the sad realization that agriculture was despised as the job of the poor by many Burundians, especially the youth. Currently at AYEI-Burundi, we believe that agriculture can be turned into a business that creates wealth. Therefore, our mission is to mobilize, organize, and empower young Burundians so that they can turn that belief into reality.
There are many ways one can benefit from our organization. They include submitting an agri-business project for micro-credit when a call for project proposals has been launched or attending our organized trainings on agri-business or partnering with us on projects of mutual goals if you are an organization or being updated on agri-business opportunities through our social media platforms.
You can join us in any ways. You can simply give your time to us by offering your services to us which are in line with what we do. You can donate to our fund and help us reach out to as many beneficiaries as possible. You can Apply or Donate Here
Follow us on our social media platforms or keep an eye on our website for possible launch of opportunities you can benefit from.