AYEI at INC-4 Summit in Ottawa, Canada April, 2024
AYEI at UN general Assembly Meeting In New York
AYEI participating in the training for trainers on climate advisory services by Global on Adaptation and FARA Africa
AYEI participating in the regional Meeting of the Young African in Livestock Fishery and Aquaculture incubation network in Dakar, Senegal 2019
AYEI participating in the 5th Summit on Less Developped Countries in Doha, Quatar -2023
AYEI installs the aquaculture based food system, a circular fish and vegetable farming demonstration farm-Ghana 2019
AYEI launches an integrated demo farm comprising of crops and animal husbandary learnig hub -Ghana 2021
AYEI trains and award seed capital to trainees to start agribusiness ventures in Burundi-Cankuzo province -2022
AYEI conducts training sessions for beneficiaries and equip the youth in integrated farming for cash in Kayanza Province in Burundi-2020
AYEI organizes series of farming activities for the youth in Central Africa Republic 2019
AYEI Participating in the 5th Intergovermental Negotiating Commitee to develop internatonally legal binding instrument on plastic pollution including in the Marine Environment in Busan , South Korea November 2024